Czech Radio Hire Library

With all the sheet music material and specialised music literature including periodicals published since the foundation of the Czech Radio in 1923 (Radiojournal and the Czechoslovak Radio) stored and processed on its premises, the Czech Radio Hire Service is the largest sheet music archive in the Czech Republic. It offers orchestral and chamber compositions for hire both for professional and amateur orchestras, choirs, art schools, students, and scholars.

This year the Fast electronic database will be made available online, providing information concerning the sheet music stored at the Czech Radio archives in Prague, Brno, Ostrava, and Plzeň.

At the present, this database is available only in the Czech Radio study room.
Music whose authors are under the protective copyright period cannot be lent or hired in those cases when the Czech Radio is not the owner of the appropriate licence.

Autographs, old prints, and specialised literature including periodicals can be studied only in the Czech Radio study room.

Czech Radio Hire Catalogue is exclusively represented by SCHOTT MUSIC GmbH & Co. KG abroad.

Licensing & Rental Operations
Concert Opera Media Division
Carl-Zeiss-Str. 1 · 55129 Mainz · Germany
Postfach 3640 · 55026 Mainz · Germany
Amtsgericht Mainz - HRA 0831 • Ust-ID-Nr. (VAT-No.) DE149025549

Phone: (+49) (0) 61 31 - 2 46 - 8 83

Czech Radio Music Publishing Department Contact:
+420 221 553 361
+420 221 553 313

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