He studied grammar school in the town of Slaný and law at Charles University in Prague. Between 1919 and 1938 he worked in the state service, namely for the Ministry of Agriculture.
A skilled musician, composer, and music life organizer, Smetáček wrote his orchestral dances in his early years - Polka of the Graduates from Slaný (Polka slánských abiturientů), the Acorn Polka (Žaludská polka), the Sportsmen's Gallopade (Kvapík sportovců) - and he also composed other orchestral works.
He worked for the Orchestral Association in Brno, and in Prague he was in charge of the music department of the Czech Sokol Union branch in Bubeneč. He is the author of numerous instrumentations of works by other composers, both well-known and unknown, and of many fantasies from operas: e.g. V. Blodek - In the Well (V studni); K. Goldmark - The Domesticated Cricket (Domácí cvrček); Ch. Gounod - Faust (Faust a Markétka); and others.
His son was the conductor and oboist Václav Smetáček, with whom he created a number of compilations of popular pieces from B. Smetana's and A. Dvořák's operas.
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