Luboš Fišer was born on 30 September 1935 in Prague. He studied at the Prague Conservatory and at the Academy of Performing Arts (under Emil Hlobil).
The essence of his musical expression may already be found in the one-act opera “Lancelot”, by which he concluded his studies. The essence is based upon a melodically potent idea, usually very concisely formulated, which Fišer further elaborates using economic deliberation and sobriety. He does not choose complicated composition methods; on the contrary, the power of his music is based on simplicity and plain effectivity. Among his key works are “Patnáct listů podle Dürerovy Apokalypsy“ (“Fifteen Epistels based on Dürer’s Apocalypse“) /received I. Prize at the international competition UNESCO in 1967 in Paris/ and choral “Caprichos“ inspired by Goya’s work of the same name.
He reaches back to ancient cultural monumets like Sumerian and Hittite texts, but he gets his inspiration also from the Middle Ages and Reneissance, from pronounced artistic works, famous thinkers and, of course, from his own philosophical ideas. Nevertheless, he understands those historical excursions with respect to present time; looking back does not necessarily mean avoidance; it is a confrontation with the ever-lasting principles of life.
Fišer has signed a long line of stage plays and films both as a composer and a creative assistant. In this field we may find around 300 works coming out of his production. These pieces are still marked with a sign of quality best shown by various artistic awards: in 1968 it was Prix Italia for the music from the motion-picture “Bludiště moci” (“Labyrinth of Power”); in 1985 it was Prix Italia for the music from the motion-picture ”Zlatí úhoři” (“Golden Eels”) by K. Kachyňa; in 1986 Fišer received I. prize at the Salzburg Television Festival IMZ for the opera “Věčný Faust” (“Eternal Faust”); in 1995 he received Czech Lion for the music from the motion-picture “Golet v údolí“ (“Hanele“); in 1996 he received Czech Lion for the music from the motion-picture “Král Ubu“ (“King Ubu“).
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