Lukáš Sommer is one of the leading representatives of a young generation of composers. He composes mostly instrumental music, both orchestral (Concerto for Harp and Orchestra, cantata Thorns in a Veil, piano concerto Shepherd) and chamber music (Piano Trio Xcape, string quartets „Song about Viktorka“ and „Balabile“, a large composition for percussions “Erotikon”).
Besides regular concerts in the Czech Republic, his music has also been played in Tokio, Amsterdam, Paris, Vienna and Toronto. He has also left his trace in popular, musical and film music, not only as a composer (a musical for children Hercules) but also as a sought-after arranger. An authonomous part of his works is an authorial guitar recital that he has performed at festivals Open guitar, Festival napříč žánry (Festival across Genres), Poděbradské dny poezie (Poetry days in Poděbrady) etc.
In 2012, his flute concerto “A Letter to Father” was performed at the Prague Spring festival. Sommer thus become the youngest author in the history of the festival.
Titles for sale:
Fantasia bucolica
Concerto for Harp and Orchestra
Were we?
Canzona e tocatta per chitarra
Titles for hire - see Complete catalogue