Re-Playing Radio Plays and Readings Online - as of April 2010 at

4. duben 2010

Czech Radio 3 – Vltava has launched a new online project “Let’s meet online…”. CRo3 – Vltava, thus, accommodates the needs of the listeners who do not have the possibility to listen to literary and drama programmes during the times given by the fixed programme schedules and who are interested to listen to these pieces online.

As of 1 April 2010 all the radio plays and audio readings of Czech authors and authors without licence claims are available in stream quality on the webpages of CRo3 - Vltava. This streaming is always accessible for the period of one week beginning the day of the broadcast. Vltava publishes online also such works by foreign authors for which the copyright requirements can be negotiated. The programme offer is varied. There will be readings for instance of J. Conrad, B. Björnson and R. L. Stevenson, radio version of plays by Aischylos, W. Shakespeare, F. Schiller and many others. As a bonus the offer of available titles will be extended by five new parts of the adventures of Sherlock Holmes during the first week.

Let´s meet online…” is not the only literary online project of Czech Radio 3 – Vltava. Since 1 September 2008 CR3 – Vltava has been successfully running the online Reader’s Diary that gives students the opportunity to download free of charge (in the mp3 format) the radio adaptations of both Czech as well as foreign pieces of work, which tend to be indicated as the “required reading” at schools.

For more information, please, contact:
Ms. Marcela Hájková, PR ČRo 3-Vltava,, tel. +420 22 155 2632

Mgr. Rene Zavoral
Communications and External Relations Director
Czech Radio
Phone. +420 22 155 1310, mobile: +420 606 768 610

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