Czech Radio Council

19. červenec 2016

The Czech Radio Council is an authority through which the right of the general public to review the activities of Czech Radio is exercised.

The Council is liable for its activities to the Chamber of Deputies of the Parliament of the Czech Republic. The membership in the Council is a public office.


The Council has nine members. The Council members are elected and removed by the Chamber of Deputies of the Parliament of the Czech Republic so that important regional, political, social and cultural streams of opinions are represented. Candidates to be elected members of the Council are proposed to the Chamber of Deputies by organisations and associations representing cultural, regional, social, trade-union, employer, religious, educational, scientific, ecological and national interests. Members of the Council are elected for the period of office of 6 years, at the same time one third of members shall be elected every two years; they may be elected repeatedly, nevertheless for not more than two consecutive periods of office.


  • appointing and removing the Czech Radio Director General and, upon his/her proposal, directors of radio studios of Czech Radio
  • approving the budget and the final account of Czech Radio, and reviewing fulfilment of the Czech Radio budget
  • approving the Statutes of Czech Radio upon a proposal submitted by the Director General
  • submitting the Czech Radio Code for approval to the Chamber of Deputies; the Code shall stipulate the principles for fulfilment of the public service in the field of radio broadcasting
  • approving the Director General’s proposals to establish or terminate Radio Studios
  • making decisions on complaints concerning the Director General
  • supervising fulfilment of tasks of the Public Service in the Field of Radio Broadcasting and fulfilment of principles arising from the Czech Radio Code, and issuing recommendations concerning the programme offer for this purpose
  • approving long-term plans of programme, technical and economic development
  • establishing a Supervisory Commission and determining the amounts of remuneration for the Supervisory Commission members
  • determining the Director General’s salary
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