Mitteldeutscher Rundfunk delegation visits Czech Radio

1. červen 2023

On Monday, 22 May, the Director General of Czech Radio René Zavoral received a delegation from the German public broadcaster Mitteldeutscher Rundfunk (MDR) headed by the Intendant, Ms. Karola Wille.

The meeting between the two Central European broadcasters was also attended by Sandro Viroli, Director of the Intendant's Office; Roman Nuck, Project Manager for Cross-Border Broadcasting; Danko Handrick, ARD correspondent in the Czech Republic and Zuzana Matějovská, Head of the International Relations Department of Czech Radio.

On the occasion of the 100th birthday of Czech Radio - which it not only celebrated on May 18th, when it first began broadcasting 100 years ago, but continues to celebrate all year - Ms. Karola Wille came to Prague to say her professional farewell to the Director General of Czech Radio at the end of her mandate as MDR Intendant. However, the main goal of the meeting was to maintain the continuity of good Czech-German relations and to further develop projects of common interest to both broadcasters and countries.

Issues of sustainable financing and new digital formats wetre discussed, as was the continued development of even closer cooperation in the border regions with the regional station Czech Radio North. The representatives of the two broadcasters also talked over the suggestion for joint thematic broadcasts, for example during the summer or in the run-up to Christmas, or a regular exchange of news items on air. Radio colleagues from MDR also expressed interest in establishing closer cooperation between the Lusatian-Serbian youth radio and the Czech Radio youth station Radio Wave in the matter of supporting the young Lusatian-Serbian music scene.

General Director René Zavoral gratefully accepted an invitation to Saxony, where Mitteldeutscher Rundfunk (MDR) is based, and in return invited his German colleagues to participate in further events connected with the celebration of the centenary of Czech Radio, which will take place in June or in the second half of the year, and also to participate in Czech Radio's annual international festival Prix Bohemia Radio.