Czech Radio´s Radiožurnál offers its news reporting to smart Google Home speakers
Czech Radio´s Radiožurnál listeners can listen to its news reporting on smart Google Home speakers. All they need to say is “OK Google, talk to Czech Radio News” and the news reporting from the last hour will be released.
“We want to share our reporting with all possible manners – broadcasting, websites, mobile applications or smart speakers. Google Home cannot speak Czech yet, however it already has its fan base and potential for the future,” stated Ondřej Suchan Czech Radio Radiožurnál´s Editor-in-Chief. Smart speakers educate and build relationship to radio. According to American NPR research, 55 % of smart speakers owners feel that they are listening to more audio than ever before.
Radiožurnál ´s reporting are available on smart speakers from Amazon Alexa for over a year. Listeners who own Amazon Echo can add Czech Radio Radiožurnál – messages into their daily briefing. All they need to do after wards is to say: “Alexa, what´s the news” and the newest reporting will commence.
“The moment we added news reporting to Alexa a mass of people announced they would appreciate similar function for Google Home as well. I am glad we offered them this opportunity and they are able to listen to the news wherever they find it convenient. Our plan is to do the same with live broadcasting,” completed Jiří Malina, New Media Director.
Smart speakers are trending abroad. American households count over 118 billion of them and over 21 % of American adults acknowledges to use them. Turning on News reporting belongs among the most popular task for smart assistants.