Czech Radio informs on changes of foreign editors in Berlin, Moscow and Warsaw
Czech Radio will change its foreign editors in Berlin, Moscow and Warsaw. Starting from August 2019 nine foreign editors will authentically inform on current issues from country of their stay from four continents – Europe, Asia, Africa and North America.
Ivana Milenkovičová from Foreign News Desk starts in Moscow. Martin Dorazín, whom she exchanges, starts as an editor in Warsaw. “Poland is not only our neighbouring country, it is also a very important partner of the Czech Republic and the biggest partner when it comes to the Visegrad Four. It is also the fifth most populated country in the European Union, if we don´t count The Great Britain. Czech Radio has always brought multi-layered and interesting news reporting from Poland. Therefore, I am glad we are having a chance to watch this country from a close site thanks to our foreign editor,” stated David Koubek, the leader of the Foreign News Desk.
The last change regards Pavel Polák, whose successor Václav Jabůrek will take his place in Berlin. “The reporting from the place is getting more and more important. Editor, who knows things and adheres to standards can bring inspirational topics to the listeners thanks to his curiosity and knowledge of the consequences. Furthermore, it can change something important into something interesting. I believe that foreign editors to be in Russia, Poland and Germany will be no different,” added the director of News and Current Affairs, Jan Pokorný.
Nine foreign editors of the Czech Radio operate on four different continents in following cities: Beijing, Moscow, Cairo, Bratislava, Warsaw, Berlin, Brussels, London and Washington.