The Chamber of Deputies of the Czech Republic Approved an Increase in Licence Fees for Czech Television and Czech Radio

5. březen 2025

The TV and radio fees are likely to increase and will also be subject to increase in the future depending on the inflation rate. The range of taxpayers to whom the payment obligation will apply will also expand. 

The government amendment to the law governing public service media in the Czech Republic was approved by the Chamber of Deputies with some modifications despite resistance from the ANO and SPD opposition parties. A total of 99 of the 189 MPs present raised their hands in favour of the amendment, while 89 voted against.

Among the approved amendments are exemptions for associations and employers with a majority of disabled workers, the deletion of the proposed obligation of Czech Television and Czech Radio to contribute to anti-disinformation measures, and restrictions on commercial communication in Czech Radio broadcasting.

“Czech Radio appreciates that the government coalition is seeking to increase the radio fee after almost twenty years. We are pleased that the amendment has been approved by the Chamber of Deputies. We hope that it will also be approved by the Senate and signed by the President of the Czech Republic, so that it will enter into force as soon as possible. The increase in the radio fee by ten Czech Crowns to CZK 55 per month and especially the planned system of increasing the fee in the event of inflation will ensure stable and predictable funding. It also guarantees the independent and free existence of Czech Radio as a public service media,” states René Zavoral, Director General of Czech Radio.

The fee changes were to take effect from January this year, according to the government's original plans. The timeline was delayed mainly due to obstruction by the opposition ANO and SPD movements during the process of parliamentary discussions over the amendment. The new effective date is supposed to be the month following the publication of the draft in the collection of documents, i.e. probably May at the earliest.

The draft will now be submitted to the Senate for consideration. The amendment increases the TV fee by CZK 15 to CZK 150 per month and the radio fee by CZK 10 to CZK 55 per month.

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